Geometry Configurations Part 2 – Duplicating Public Transport Lines and Public Transport Plans

Technical Note #11

January 2016
By Andreu Tarrida

Duplicating Public Transport Lines and Public Transport Plans

Public Transport Lines use the scenario’s network, which can be defined by a set of geometry configurations. This being so, you need to duplicate any public transport Lines that are interrupted by any of these geometry configurations and then redefine their route in accordance with the new network. You’ll also need to update Public Transport Plans.

Duplicating public transport lines and public transport plans with Aimsun Geometry Configurations

Imagine you want to apply two new geometric configurations. First apply GC1 only. In the final scenario apply both GC1 and GC2.

L10 is affected by GC1 and GC2; L20 is affected only by GC1; L30 is not affected by any of them.

Duplicating public transport lines and public transport plans with Aimsun Geometry Configurations

In Scenario 1:

  1. Duplicate L10 and redefine its route (L10_1)
  2. Duplicate L20 and redefine its routes (L20_1)
  3. Don’t make any changes to L30
  4. Duplicate the original Public Transport Plan and replace L10 and L20 with L10_1 and L20_1 respectively

Duplicating public transport lines and public transport plans with Aimsun Geometry Configurations

In Scenario Future:

  1. L10 is interrupted by both GC1 and GC2. Duplicate it and redefine its route (L10_F)
  2. L20 is interrupted by GC1. Use L20_1, which was previously defined for Scenario 1
  3. L30 remains the same
  4. Duplicate the original Public Transport Plan and replace L10 with L10_F, and L20 with L20_1

More technical notes

How to use Attribute Overrides

December 2016: Maud Chassat describes how Aimsun’s attribute overrides can be extremely useful for modifying attributes of existing objects.

Generating Control Plans from Volumes

April 2021: What do you do when control plan data is not available? You might face this problem when working with future scenarios that have not been fully detailed, or on a first approach from macroscopic to dynamic. Our product specialist, Marga Delgado, has the answer.

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Cite Aimsun Next

Aimsun Next 24

Aimsun (2024). Aimsun Next 24 User’s Manual, Aimsun Next Version 24.0.0, Barcelona, Spain. Accessed on: April. 16, 2024. [Online].


Aimsun Next 24

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author = {Aimsun},
edition = {Aimsun Next 24.0.0},
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year = {2024. [Online]},
month = {Accessed on: Month, Day, Year},
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Aimsun Next 24

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A1 – Aimsun
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Y1 – 2024
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UR – [In software]. Available: