Real-time transportation management

Efficient transportation is  the economic lifeblood of our cities and a critical factor in maintaining a livable environment. 

Aimsun Live is the ONLY predictive traffic management tool that combines AI techniques with simulation in real time. Our digital twins can formulate predictions all over the network, even where detectors are not present, for performance indicators that are not directly measured, such as emissions, to estimate the impact of events that haven’t been experienced in the past, and to compare multiple response plans.

Real-time transportation management - Case Studies

Award Winning!

Oxfordshire: NEVFMA

Integrated air dispersion modeling

Award Winning!

Wiesbaden: DIGI-V

Reducing traffic-related emissions as part of the Green Plan

ICMS – Florida

Prediction and data analytics to mitigate congestion


Real-time traffic simulation and prediction 

Award Winning!

M4 – Sydney

Australia’s first simulation-based predictive system

Award Winning!

San Diego

ITS assessment for interstate highways

Gold Coast

Assessment for future operations planning

Leicester – uTRAQ

Incorporating satellite-generated atmospheric data to reduce pollution

Grand Lyon

Traffic centre operators anticipate and mitigate congestion

Madrid – M30

The world’s first simulation-based traffic forecasting system

Proactive, not reactive

A successful transportation network is one that can operate smoothly and reliably under any conditions. To achieve this, network managers must be able to predict where congestion is going to occur, and stop it before it happens. 

Our powerful and unique combination of network simulation and advanced data analytics has huge benefits for:

  • Incident management
  • Smart highway applications
  • Air quality management
  • Congestion pricing
  • Real-time transportation information
  • Multimodal rerouting

Where simulation meets data science

Aimsun Live is the only predictive transportation management solution that combines AI techniques with simulation in real time. This unique flexibility provides traffic control rooms with the highest levels of accuracy both under recurrent and non-recurrent conditions, and the ability to compare and rank multiple response plans. 

Aimsun Live slots right into the transportation management center and continuously processes live field data, simulating the movement of vehicles and people inside a transport network of any size, from a single highway corridor to an entire city.

By combining these live transport data feeds, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques as well as high-speed simulations with emulation of congestion/incident mitigation strategies Aimsun Live can accurately forecast the future transport network status that will result from specific management or information provision strategy.

Unlike purely analytical forecasting processes, our simulation of individual vehicles, lane-by-lane provides an additional advantage, which is a calibrated emulation of driver behavior across a whole network.


The forecasting process starts with an accurate reproduction of the current state of the transportation network. By comparing records from the previous 30 minutes against historical demand patterns in the database, Aimsun Live allows you to load the appropriate trip tables (origin-destination matrices) and simulate the network at its current capacity. This sophisticated, simulation-based monitoring procedure is combined with state-of-the-art analytic techniques to produce accurate travel-time and congestion forecasts. Aimsun Live also offers advanced incident detection capabilities. 

Strategy comparison relies on the ability of Aimsun Live to synthesize vast amounts of analytical and simulated outputs in unique performance indices. This gives control centres clear insights when reviewing the future network status and choosing the best traffic management strategy.

With access to individual delays, travel times, position, pollutant emissions, speed, route and many other characteristics, the measures of effectiveness can be as complex as you like. Importantly, these measures of effectiveness can be customized to match up with the transportation management policies that operators intend to put into action. 


Aimsun Live continuously compares forecast performances against incoming field measurements. Our ML techniques improve accuracy and responsiveness, resulting in an increasingly trustworthy and resilient support tool for network operators and managers.

Why choose Aimsun Live for real-time transportation management?


No other platform combines AI techniques with simulation in real time. This unique flexibility provides the highest accuracy both under recurrent and non-recurrent conditions and means that Aimsun Live can compare multiple response plans.


No other simulator bases its predictions on mesoscopic, microscopic, or hybrid transportation models, giving a detailed representation of network geometry to lane level, explicitly representing traffic control devices and individual moving vehicles.


No other platform can integrate seamlessly with the existing traffic management infrastructure or provide customizable measures of effectiveness that reflect traffic management policies and strategies.


No other real-time simulation platform can connect with emulators of adaptive signal control systems, including SCATS. Indeed, Aimsun Live has an interface certified by Transport forNew South Wales to work with both SCATSim and SCATS ITS Data Port.


No other tool can match its speed. Aimsun Live can run one hour of microsimulation of 700 kilometers of network around San Diego’s I-15 corridor in under five minutes. A mesoscopic simulation of one hour of the 1,400-km network in Grand Lyon speeds by in under three minutes.


No other tool includes a module that continuously compares forecast performances against field measurements received once the prediction period has passed. This gives rise to alerts that trigger an automatic re-training of the AI-based processes.


No other platform provides as explicit and faithful an emulation of different traffic management actions, including lane closures, turn closures, speed changes, forced turns, changes of destination, forced path recalculations, signal plan changes, reserved lane deactivations, or park & ride arrangements.

Whole-of-life project support

The Aimsun team has already deployed 15 major Aimsun Live projects worldwide and we have been refining this service since our very first pilot in Hessen back in the year 2000. We now help transportation management centers to create more reliable and efficient journeys for millions of users every day. 

Our team of expert project engineers, software developers, modelers, and data scientists have deep experience in deploying Aimsun Live, whether as an independent system or as part of an integrated solution. They are fully capable of customizing Aimsun Live to meet the needs of individual use cases, from air quality management to managed motorways. Take a look at our case studies below.

We offer a complete framework that goes way beyond the typical delivery of a product. We offer individual project alignments to address your specific requirements for real-time decision support. 

Off-the-shelf software

Model build, calibration, and maintenance

Full integration with your ATMS, working closely with your systems provider

Customization of the web–user interface

Training for your team, including support staff

Ongoing, responsive support from experts

To learn more, send us a message and we'll start the conversation.

  • Got a question? Get in touch.

    We are here to help!


Cite Aimsun Next

Aimsun Next 24

Aimsun (2024). Aimsun Next 24 User’s Manual, Aimsun Next Version 24.0.0, Barcelona, Spain. Accessed on: April. 16, 2024. [Online].


Aimsun Next 24

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Aimsun Next 24

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