State estimation in urban traffic networks: A two-layer approach
State estimation in urban traffic networks: A two-layer approach
Harmony Model Suite: An Integrated Spatial and Multimodal Transport Planning Tool to Lead a Sustainable Transition to a New Mobility Era
Harmony Model Suite: An Integrated Spatial and Multimodal Transport Planning Tool to Lead a Sustainable Transition to a New Mobility Era
OmniCAV: A Simulation and Modelling System that enables “CAVs for All”
Microscopic Modeling of the Effects of Autonomous Vehicles on Motorway Performance
Microscopic Modeling of the Effects of Autonomous Vehicles on Motorway Performance
A microsimulation-based analysis of the price-of-anarchy on a Braess-like network
A microsimulation-based analysis of the price-of-anarchy on a Braess-like network
The impact of automation and connectivity on traffic flow and CO2 emissions. A detailed microsimulation study
The impact of automation and connectivity on traffic flow and CO2 emissions. A detailed microsimulation study