State estimation in urban traffic networks: A two-layer approach
State estimation in urban traffic networks: A two-layer approach
Harmony Model Suite: An Integrated Spatial and Multimodal Transport Planning Tool to Lead a Sustainable Transition to a New Mobility Era
Harmony Model Suite: An Integrated Spatial and Multimodal Transport Planning Tool to Lead a Sustainable Transition to a New Mobility Era
OmniCAV: A Simulation and Modelling System that enables “CAVs for All”
Microscopic Modeling of the Effects of Autonomous Vehicles on Motorway Performance
A microsimulation-based analysis of the price-of-anarchy on a Braess-like network
A microsimulation-based analysis of the price-of-anarchy on a Braess-like network
The impact of automation and connectivity on traffic flow and CO2 emissions. A detailed microsimulation study
The impact of automation and connectivity on traffic flow and CO2 emissions. A detailed microsimulation study