The Future
DIT will use TAM to evaluate the impact of new transport modes, disruptive technologies, Mobility-as-a-Service and environmental impacts/management, which will change the network planning and operations on a metropolitan level. This cannot be considered in project models or in isolation. Therefore, the TAM framework will be the integrated platform to assess feasibility and plan/manage government and industry initiatives.
DIT has committed to maintaining TAM, keeping it up to date and relevant to the stakeholders and industry partners. The maintenance regime will include annual updates, alignment with the newest census and household travel survey information, new data sources, product improvement and software version control.
TAM will also be updated with the latest committed and funded projects to ensure consistency in model outputs. TAM will be open to stakeholders and consultants, offering transparency and a level playing field. Quality Management processes will accompany the TAM Guidelines to ensure the work done using the solution is consistent and relevant to the use case.
TAM will be a vital platform for South Australia in developing policy and strategy for the challenges that face all state agencies worldwide: transport business cases and scenarios for connected and autonomous vehicles, cooperative ITS, low or zero-emission vehicles and air quality management.
Future TAM enhancements extend well beyond the current framework and will include cloud-based model development and implementation. The team will also be refining the approach to model governance, version control, sub-area extraction, research initiatives from academia, project modelling integration, modelling guidelines, and of course, a completely seamless data flow between the existing strategic model (known as the Strategic Adelaide Model or SAM) and TAM.
Other plans in the pipeline for TAM include dynamic simulation for emerging and future transportation technologies and disruptors, electric vehicles and infrastructure, connected and autonomous vehicles, traffic management centre and operational insights, and emission/air dispersion modelling.
At present, TAM’s forecasting horizon stretches to the year 2041, which will enable DIT to plan and safeguard real-world mobility outcomes for the community of Greater Adelaide.
The Wrap
DIT considers TAM an industry-leading initiative and a fundamental platform for developing future transport strategies in South Australia.
The TAM initiative had to overcome significant challenges in the form of the magnitude of the modelling scope and the departure from industry norms. These challenges necessitated a highly collaborative approach between DIT and Aimsun but in the end it paid off: the solution not only met but exceeded the calibration criteria and received extremely positive industry feedback.
TAM will be a fundamental component in supporting DIT’s vision for making its multimodal transport system more sustainable, efficient, safe, and accessible.
Published in Infrastructure Magazine, Australia, Issue 25, November 2022