Semi-controlled testing at the Culham Science Centre

OmniCAV blog, Dec 2020: Dr Garry Staunton, Lead Technologist in Remote Applications in Challenging Environments at UKAEA, discusses the benefits of semicontrolled AV trials.
NEVFMA Network Emissions / Vehicle Flow Management

An Aimsun Live deployment in Oxfordshire, UK with integrated air dispersion modeling.
Wiesbaden: DIGI-V

To improve air quality in the city of Wiesbaden, Aimsun Live forecasts combine with the IMMIS emission model and Siemens’ Sitraffic Concert to assess traffic management strategies in real time.
Central Florida Regional Integrated Corridor Management System

Aimsun Live is the predictive engine that will analyze and forecast the effectiveness of response plans to mitigate congestion.
Singapore: Technology trial for real-time traffic simulation and prediction

Aimsun collaborated with the Land Transport Authority of Singapore (LTA) to develop a real-time traffic simulation and predictive system in Aimsun Live.
Sydney: M4 Smart Motorway System
Aimsun Live is the traffic prediction software at the heart of the NSW Government’s $600m M4 Smart Motorway project. The project uses real-time data, communications and ITS to improve traffic flow.
Gold Coast: Predictive Solutions Trial

Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads commissioned an operational Aimsun Live implementation to assess its accuracy and potential value for future operations planning.

2017年6月:Dimitris Triantafyllos和Carles Illera解释了如何使用可以从控制计划中感知到成本的“转弯惩罚函数”,以及如何使用“交叉口延误函数”在宏观模型中模拟停车/让行标志。
Leicester: urban TRaffic management and Air Quality (uTRAQ)

Satellite-generated atmospheric data helps local authorities devise real-time traffic management strategies for reducing pollution levels.
Grand Lyon: European Opticities

Three-year, EC-backed pilot project to show how prediction tools can help traffic centre operators anticipate and mitigate congestion, particularly at peak times.
路网配置第4部分 – 管理节点和使用现有节点

2016年2月:Andreu Tarrida写了这篇关于版本控制第4部分,也是该专题中的最后一篇文章。
Exporting probe data using Aimsun micro API

July 2015: Dimitris Triantafyllos discusses how this Aimsun API allows research centres to work on the understanding of the innovative uses of probe vehicle data, available applications, visualisations, performance measures, and management techniques.
San Diego: Integrated Corridor Management System

Aimsun Live forecasts and simulates congestion and capacity imbalances in real time for SANDAG’s award-winning ICMS on I-15.