Comparative data analysis in Aimsun Next
Marga Delgado explains how a good data comparison tool is the foundation of our ability to evaluate and analyze differences between simulation results and therefore, make strong, well-supported decisions about transportation network design and management.
Using Lua to Write Custom Cost Functions for Aimsun Next
Lua is a lightweight scripting language that allows users to write custom cost functions while also enabling faster run times for complex models. In this month’s technical note, Tessa Hayman explains how Lua differs from Python and the benefits it can bring to your Aimsun Next models.
Using Aimsun Next with a subscription-based license
Paolo Rinelli explains how our new customer portal and subscription-based licensing bring Aimsun Next users great benefits in terms of administrative efficiency, remote desktop, cloud computing and security.
Walk or take the bus? Modeling mode choice with dynamic transit assignment.
How do we decide whether to walk somewhere or take the bus and how do you model that decision in Aimsun Next?
Comparing the impact of route choice changes
Tessa Hayman explains how to analyze route choice changes between schemes tested using microscopic, mesoscopic and hybrid network loading.
Unlocking the power of Path Assignment Plans
Marga Delgado explains how the the Path Assignment Plan feature in Aimsun Next gives you unparalleled flexibility in reusing previously calculated paths.
Table View – review of all functionalities
Marga Delgado explains how the Table View in Aimsun Next is a powerful tool that can boost efficiency across all stages of a modelling project: when editing, when calibrating and when reviewing the final results.
Select link analysis for schemes
Tessa Hayman explains that when appraising schemes, it can be useful to understand how different schemes may interact with each other. This can help you understand any potential synergy between schemes and identify a subset of scenarios to test with fully detailed modelling.
How to get matrix development outputs for UK Department for Transport standards (TAG).
Tessa Hayman explains how you can use the new functionalities in Aimsun Next 23 to create outputs for monitoring changes during matrix development as outlined in the UK’s Transport Appraisal Guidance (TAG).
用Aimsun Next创建可达性地图
高级产品专家Marga Delgado详述了如何运用Aimsun Next中的等时线工具(Isochrones)为不同交通模式并根据不同标准(如距离或出行时间等)创建可达性地图,并且讲解了可达性地图如何协助评估新道路或新公共交通服务的影响。
Using space-time diagrams for calibration
Dimitris Triantafyllos explains how to create speed contour plots in Aimsun Next to show the time, location, and subsequent propagation and dispersal of congestion on the highway.
本技术注解将解释Aimsun Next中微观和中观仿真中不同的随机性来源以及如何控制它们。
仿真是支持有效排放政策制定的一个宝贵工具。 Aimsun可以帮助你比较不同措施的有效性并评估相关影响,因此你可以在管理交通的同时,将空气污染控制在法律允许的数值范围内。
Checking Real Data Sets for Consistency
Mohammad Saifuzzaman shows how the Aimsun Real Data Set Checker makes it quicker and easier to create clean datasets and examines some different use cases.
在Aimsun Next中仿真SCATSim
Dimitris Triantafyllos分享如何在Aimsun Next中运行与SCATSim连接的微观或中观仿真,SCATSim是一套用于仿真SCATS自适应交通控制系统的软件模块。
Tessa Hayman分享如何在Aimsun Next模型中正确设置坐标参考系统。
Automatic model file management
Dimitris Triantafyllos explains how to use the Aimsun Next project folder structure to automatically manage model files.
Side-lane merging in an Aimsun Next mesoscopic model
June 2022: Aimsun Next has a specific mesoscopic merging behavior model that is controlled by the cooperation gap and merging gap parameters. Mohammad Saifuzzaman explains how to use these parameters to control merging behavior and match observed traffic flow and congestion.
Reversible lanes and alternating one-way lanes
May, 2022: In transport networks, the available infrastructure may vary through the day. In this technical note we will review how to close lanes temporarily in one direction so that the other direction can use them
2022年4月:新的微观自由流加速(MFC)和电池消耗模型可以进行更准确的燃料和能源消耗分析。 本技术注解将引导你了解模型的细节以及每个参数如何影响车辆行为。