Using Lua to Write Custom Cost Functions for Aimsun Next
Lua is a lightweight scripting language that allows users to write custom cost functions while also enabling faster run times for complex models. In this month’s technical note, Tessa Hayman explains how Lua differs from Python and the benefits it can bring to your Aimsun Next models.
Using Aimsun Next with a subscription-based license
Paolo Rinelli explains how our new customer portal and subscription-based licensing bring Aimsun Next users great benefits in terms of administrative efficiency, remote desktop, cloud computing and security.
Walk or take the bus? Modeling mode choice with dynamic transit assignment.
How do we decide whether to walk somewhere or take the bus and how do you model that decision in Aimsun Next?
Truck routing with custom route choice functions
How to apply a custom Route Choice function to emulate a heavy truck guidance system.
Low Emission Zones: assessing their environmental impact
Simulation is an invaluable tool for supporting the definition of effective emissions policies. Aimsun helps you compare the effectiveness of different measures and assess related impacts, so you can keep pollution within legal thresholds without compromising on mobility.
Reversible lanes and alternating one-way lanes
May, 2022: In transport networks, the available infrastructure may vary through the day. In this technical note we will review how to close lanes temporarily in one direction so that the other direction can use them
Transit Route Change traffic management action
March 2022: A new feature introduced in Next 22 is the Transit Route Change traffic management action. This technical note will go over how to implement the action and ways in which it could be used.
How to define speed limits by vehicle class in static models
November 2020: In the previous tip, we shared a method for coding different speed limits for different vehicle types in dynamic models. In this month’s pro tip, Tessa Hayman explains how to do it for static models.
How to set different speed limits for different vehicle types in Aimsun Next
October 2020: Tessa Hayman reveals how to set different speed limits for different vehicle types in dynamic models.
Traffic Management Actions in Aimsun
May 2017: Dimitris Triantafyllos and Sergi Pujadas explain how to alleviate traffic congestion using a variety of traffic management actions.