How to model pedestrian crossings in Aimsun Next

Sep 2020: New pro tip! Our latest tutorial video shows you how to include pedestrian crossings in your Aimsun Next traffic model.
How to use the Aimsun Next Pedestrian Simulator

June 2020: Our new embedded pedestrian simulator is super fast, comes free of charge in the main installer, simulates an unlimited number of pedestrians.
How to use the new path assignment plan in Aimsun Next

May 2020: Dimitris Triantafyllos, explains how the Path Assignment Plan feature gives you unparalleled flexibility in reusing previously calculated paths.
How to model connected and autonomous vehicles

March 2020: Martin Hartmann explains a quick and convenient way to study assumption-based behavior of autonomous and connected vehicles.
How to code roundabouts – Part 2

December 2019: Tessa Hayman explains how to adjust parameters on roundabouts to ensure accurate behaviour and calibration in dynamic models.
How to code roundabouts – Part 1

November 2019: Tessa Hayman explains different methods of coding roundabouts for different roundabout layouts, ensuring correct lane usage and lane-changing behavior from entry to exit.
How to visualize matrix trip totals and desire lines

October 2019: Margarida Delgado explains where to find matrix cell values, and how to visualize desire lines and total trips per centroid.
How to use View Modes to calibrate vehicle behavior in Aimsun Next

September 2019: Martin Hartmann explains how to use View Modes in the capacity calibration process to model bottlenecks more realistically.
How to use the Detector Station grouping tool

August 2019: Emmanuel Bert shares how the detector station grouping tool can help you to manage section detector statistics in Aimsun Next.
How to create new Object Attributes for easier editing

July 2019: Dimitris Triantafyllos shares a pro tip video for keeping track of revised nodes in your project to speed up the editing process.
Creating an Aimsun Next network from a GIS file – Part 2

June 2019: In Part 2 of this GIS pro tip, Geline Canayon explains network importer settings for GIS files.
Creating an Aimsun Next network from a GIS file – Part 1

May 2019: In Part 1 of this series, Geline Canayon explains GIS file preparation and basic importer settings. Part 2 will deal with network importer settings.
Static OD adjustment: the impact of weight function and gradient descent iterations

February 2019: Mohammad Saifuzzaman explores the use of adjustment weighting functions to improve the GEH and not just the R2.
Meso over micro: when good meso calibration can save the need for microsimulation. PART TWO.

May 2018: Laura Oriol shares her tips for altering parameters for throughput at traffic signals and at major-minor priority junctions.
Meso over micro: when good meso calibration can save the need for microsimulation. PART ONE.

April 2018: in the first of a two-part series, Laura Oriol shares some tips on how to push meso calibration to the max and speed up your workflow.
Stop Lines

March 2018: Mauricio Castro and Gabriel Funes take you beyond the default settings for Stop Lines and show you how to control where vehicles stop with greater precision.
Hybrid Simulation

February 2018: Geline Canayon and Laura Torres give you a brief guided tour through the how, when, where and why of hybrid simulation.
Distribution and Modal Split Functions

January 2018: Margarida Delgado explains how the Distribution and Modal Split steps are now split into two separate processes to give you greater flexibility when choosing which model to work with, and to give you more control at each step.
Using groupings of centroids to split zones

August 2017: Want to update your strategic model zoning system to organise the ever-increasing amount of data available? Dimitris Triantafyllos and Paolo Rinelli show you how to split zones to better represent the entrance and exit of the traffic volumes in the network.
Turning Penalty Function

June 2017: Dimitris Triantafyllos and Carles Illera explain how to use a Turning Penalty Function that can perceive costs from a control plan, and how to model stop/yield signs in macro using Junction Delay Functions.