Scripting with time series

March 2021: Tessa Hayman guides you through the complexity of handling time series via Python scripting and explains how to create your custom time series in a way that can be visualized in the UI.
How to Connect Siemens UTC SCOOT to Aimsun Next 20

February 2021: Did you know that an Aimsun Next junction (node) can be linked to an external controller, such as the Siemens UTC System with SCOOT?
How to define different costs per trip purpose in static models

January 2021: In Technical Note #53, we gave some tips on how to modify the cost for static assignment based on the vehicle type. In this month’s pro tip, Marga Delgado explains how to do it per trip purpose.
How to exchange data between SIDRA Intersection and Aimsun Next

December 2020: Using the Aimsun Next interface with SIDRA signal design software helps you create more realistic models, reduces the calibration effort and improves the model performance.
How to define speed limits by vehicle class in static models

November 2020: In the previous tip, we shared a method for coding different speed limits for different vehicle types in dynamic models. In this month’s pro tip, Tessa Hayman explains how to do it for static models.
How to set different speed limits for different vehicle types in Aimsun Next

October 2020: Tessa Hayman reveals how to set different speed limits for different vehicle types in dynamic models.
How to use hybrid macro-meso simulation in Aimsun Next

August 2020: Tessa Hayman explains hybrid macro-meso simulation in Aimsun Next 20 and how it can unite the best of macro and meso to enable regional-scale modeling.