Wiesbaden: DIGI-V

To improve air quality in the city of Wiesbaden, Aimsun Live forecasts combine with the IMMIS emission model and Siemens’ Sitraffic Concert to assess traffic management strategies in real time.
Central Florida Regional Integrated Corridor Management System

Aimsun Live is the predictive engine that will analyze and forecast the effectiveness of response plans to mitigate congestion.
Sydney: M4 Smart Motorway System
Aimsun Live is the traffic prediction software at the heart of the NSW Government’s $600m M4 Smart Motorway project. The project uses real-time data, communications and ITS to improve traffic flow.
Gold Coast: Predictive Solutions Trial

Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads commissioned an operational Aimsun Live implementation to assess its accuracy and potential value for future operations planning.
Leicester: urban TRaffic management and Air Quality (uTRAQ)

Satellite-generated atmospheric data helps local authorities devise real-time traffic management strategies for reducing pollution levels.