Empower the Aimsun Next simulation with Aimsun Advanced Programming Interface (API)
December 2021: The Aimsun Next API is a collection of functions, in Python or C++, that allow users to read information and perform actions during the mesoscopic, microscopic or hybrid mesoscopic-microscopic simulation.
Switching to Python 3
May 2021: Python 2 reached end-of-life status in January 2020. Tessa Hayman gives you some tips on getting your script Python 3-ready for optimum performance in Aimsun Next
Scripting with time series
March 2021: Tessa Hayman guides you through the complexity of handling time series via Python scripting and explains how to create your custom time series in a way that can be visualized in the UI.
How to use template scripts for fast visualization of signalized nodes
January 2020: There are various scripts available in the template: Margarida Delgado explains how Script nº 10 can speed up the process of filtering and viewing signalized nodes.
Turning Penalty Function
June 2017: Dimitris Triantafyllos and Carles Illera explain how to use a Turning Penalty Function that can perceive costs from a control plan, and how to model stop/yield signs in macro using Junction Delay Functions.
Modelling connected vehicles using Aimsun API: Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
January 2017: Paolo Rinelli and Dimitris Triantafyllos explain a technique for modelling connected vehicles using Aimsun API: Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control.
Python: from function to attribute
August 2016: Most users are familiar with creating their own attributes within objects within an Aimsun model. Grant MacKinnon explains how you can also add a column to an object where a value is returned based on some Python Code, allowing you to calculate a value on the fly.
Macro Function Components
March 2016: Marga Delgado explains how to use macro function components to produce extra outputs when executing an assignment.
Exporting probe data using Aimsun micro API
July 2015: Dimitris Triantafyllos discusses how this Aimsun API allows research centres to work on the understanding of the innovative uses of probe vehicle data, available applications, visualisations, performance measures, and management techniques.