Meso over micro: when good meso calibration can save the need for microsimulation. PART ONE.
April 2018: in the first of a two-part series, Laura Oriol shares some tips on how to push meso calibration to the max and speed up your workflow.
Stop Lines
March 2018: Mauricio Castro and Gabriel Funes take you beyond the default settings for Stop Lines and show you how to control where vehicles stop with greater precision.
Hybrid Simulation
February 2018: Geline Canayon and Laura Torres give you a brief guided tour through the how, when, where and why of hybrid simulation.
DTA: Speed up your DUE convergence
September 2016: A low number of iterations dramatically decreases the total computation time to run a DUE – Josep Perarnau shows you how to cut initialization time in half by using a subset instead of the full path assignment result file.