November 18 – 19, 2024 | Oslo, Norway

Aimsun Nordic User Day

We’re excited to welcome you to the 2024 Aimsun Nordic User Day!

Once again we will be collaborating with Statens vegvesen (the Norwegian Public Roads Administration or NPRA) to showcase the latest innovations in Aimsun software and solutions.


User Day

Monday 18th November, 9am-4pm

Training Course

Tuesday 19th November, 9am-4pm 



The Thief Hotel

Landgangen 1,

0252 Oslo, Norway


Sign in at the front desk and join us upstairs for coffee and breakfast
Introduction and overview
James Daniels, Aimsun
News from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA)
Børge Bang, NPRA
How Aimsun solutions enhance model build, structure, and maintanance
Gavin Bailey, Aimsun
Product update: new features in Aimsun Next
Tessa Hayman, Aimsun
Aimsun subscriptions: benefits for users
Justyna Kosiba, Aimsun
Traffic data sources and digital twins
Gavin Bailey, Aimsun
Floating car data solutions for offline modelling
Douglas Gilmour, TomTom
A better Aimsun model with TomTom data
Yongyan Zhong, Statens vegvesen (NPRA)
Stability and convergence in large-scale dynamic models
Tessa Hayman, Aimsun
Greater Manchester large-scale multi-tier model build, covering data analytics and platform architecture
Sam Corns, Transport for Greater Manchester, and Carles Illera, Aimsun
Lessons learned from a large-scale hybrid meso-micro model of Oslo
Diego Alejandro Moreno, Asplan Viak
The impact of real-time information on no-notice and short-notice evacuations efficiency - an Aimsun case study
Tugba Arsava, COWI
Q&A - ask Aimsun anything!
Aimsun Team
Networking and drinks

Meet the Aimsun team

James Daniels
Managing Director
Aimsun Ltd.

Gavin Bailey
Regional Head of Business Development

Tessa Hayman
Product Specialist

Carles Illera
Head of Solution Delivery

Justyna Kosiba
Regional Finance and Commercial Operations Lead

Presentation Topics

What’s new in Aimsun Next 24

New features focus on enhancing productivity and the building of large-scale, multi-modal models for cities, highways, and regions.

Tessa gives a run-through of the latest additions, and explains how they can help you with anything from accurately estimating the volume of traffic using toll roads, to analysing how a change in signal timings or the bus schedule might benefit pedestrians.

Tessa Hayman
Product Specialist

The benefits of subscription-based licensing

Justyna will demonstrate how access to the new myAimsun portal opens the door to autonomous license management for our clients and makes it easy to assign licenses to the active users working on a project.

The flexibility of subscription-based licensing brings greater cost effectiveness and also gives our users the option of  working on remote desktop and cloud computers.

Justyna Kosiba
Regional Finance and Commercial Operations Lead

Aimsun data services and applications

We’ll look at the benefits of links to continuous data for efficient model rebasing.  Carles will use the model of Greater Manchester in the UK to demonstrate the link to  data sources such as  SCOOT traffic flows (from the UTC system), Bus AVL data and Automatic Traffic Counters.  

Linking an Aimsun  model to continuous data sources can enable semi-automatic model updates, which greatly increase efficiency while maintaining accuracy and forming the  architectural starting point for real-time traffic management in the future. 

Carles Illera
Head of Solution Delivery

Aimsun’s Digital Mobility Solutions

A summary of Aimsun’s five standard digital mobility solutions and the mobility questions that each solution can answer. The main areas are data-driven insights, predictive analytics, fast scenario assessment, comprehensive planning/operations analysis, and real-time decision support.

Gavin Bailey
Head of Business Development

The impact of real-time information the efficiency of no-notice and short-notice evacuation

 Today’s travelers are able to access real-time traffic information through a variety of options, such as variable message signs and in-vehicle global positioning systems. This technological improvement needs to be taken into consideration when modeling emergency evacuations. This research focuses on investigating no-notice or short-notice emergency evacuations necessitated by nuclear power plant accidents.

In contrast to previous studies, this study explicitly models the impact of providing real-time traffic information and enroute drivers’ rerouting behavior, considering various traffic information dissemination strategies. 

Dr. Tugba Arsava
Senior Traffic and Mobility Planner, Mass Transit, COWI

A better Aimsun model with TomTom data

This presentation will show how TomTom data can enhance an Aimsun model, with a focus on risk assessment for maintenance work on the E18 motorway

The traffic analysis using the Aimsun model for the lane closure maintenance project on the E18 motorway will demonstrate how Aimsun model simulations can help identify the best solutions for the maintenance project. Additionally, it will illustrate how TomTom data is utilized for the creation of matrices, calibration, and post-evaluation to develop a more accurate Aimsun model.

Yongyan Zhong
Senior Engineer, Statens vegvesen (Norwegian Public Roads Administration)

Out of the sauna, into the (data) lake: Aimsun  & TomTom partnership to enable innovation

Road traffic analysis, operations and management are fast growing markets which increasingly harness big data and new technologies to improve road network performance, the reliability of journey times for drivers and fleet efficiency. This presentation will discuss the role of TomTom in traffic model development and applications now and innovations which we expect to add value for road authorities, the industry and businesses in the future.

Douglas Gilmour
Global Business Development Manager, TomTom Traffic

TBM Oslo. Lessons learned for a large scale hybrid meso-micro model for Oslo, Norway.

From 1 July 2024 and three years forward, Ring 1, one of the main road arteries in Oslo will be closed to all traffic due to maintenance in Hammersborgtunnelen and Vaterlandstunnelen. This 800-meter closure is expected to cause significant traffic disruptions. To mitigate these effects, several measures have been tested in a large scale hybrid model in Aimsun. This presentation will focus on how the Aimsun model was built and the lessons learned throughout the project.

Diego Alejandro Moreno
Advisor in Transport and Mobility, Asplan Viak AS

Training Course

Scripting refresher course and modelling clinic

Tessa Hayman
Product Specialist

Tuesday, 19th November 2024

This day is dedicated to hands-on practice with Aimsun Next.

The first part of the day is about Scripting in Aimsun Next. Scripting is a powerful means of modifying a model, importing or exporting data and calculating and displaying results. Tessa will show you how Aimsun Next scripts can dramatically increase your efficiency, so to take this course you should have a reasonable level of familiarity with Python and the concepts of programming. 

Please note that this Scripting course does not cover the API module and functions – the key difference to remember is that Scripting allows you to make static changes before the simulation starts or after the simulation is finished, while with API, you can make dynamic changes while the dynamic simulation is running.

The Modelling Clinic is where we invite you to bring in your broken models or modelling problems. Tessa will hold an open clinic where we’ll work together to troubleshoot and fix them.


Prices include breakfast, lunch and two coffee breaks with snacks. 

To book your attendance please fill in the registration form below. 


User Day

Academia and government agencies


User Day

Companies and private organisations


Training course


Package deal

User Day plus Training Course

  • Got a question? Get in touch.

    We are here to help!


Cite Aimsun Next

Aimsun Next 24

Aimsun (2024). Aimsun Next 24 User’s Manual, Aimsun Next Version 24.0.0, Barcelona, Spain. Accessed on: April. 16, 2024. [Online].


Aimsun Next 24

@manual {AimsunManual,
title = {Aimsun Next 24 User’s Manual},
author = {Aimsun},
edition = {Aimsun Next 24.0.0},
address = {Barcelona, Spain},
year = {2024. [Online]},
month = {Accessed on: Month, Day, Year},
url = {},

Aimsun Next 24

T1 – Aimsun Next 24 User’s Manual
A1 – Aimsun
ET – Aimsun Next Version 24.0.0
Y1 – 2024
Y2 – Accessed on: Month, Day, Year
CY – Barcelona, Spain
PB – Aimsun
UR – [In software]. Available: