Geometry Configurations Part 3 – Control Plans

Technical Note #12

January 2016
By Andreu Tarrida

Imagine you have some new turns to analyse. The first step is to add them either to the existing signal groups or to new groups.



The through turn associated with Signal 1 in the base geometry is not the same through turn as the one in the new geometry, so it will not appear in the new geometry configuration view.

Aimsun Geometry Configurations - Control Plans

No Signal 2 turns exist in the new geometry, so they will not appear in the new geometry configuration view.

Aimsun Geometry Configurations - Control Plans

Add the new through turn in Signal 1 and create Signal 3, which only exists in the new geometry.

Aimsun Geometry Configurations - Control Plans


Using the Base Control Plan

If the duration of the phases of the new geometry are no different from the base geometry, you can edit the Base Control Plan by selecting the new signal groups in the corresponding phase. Then use the same Base Master Control Plan in the new scenario.

Aimsun Geometry Configurations - Control Plans


Using a new Control Plan

You will only have to create a new Control Plan and Master Control Plan if the duration of the phases for any intersections in the new geometry are different from the base durations. In this case, you must code the new durations in a new Control Plan and then assign it, together with the Base Control Plan, to a new Master Control Plan.

Aimsun Geometry Configurations - Control Plans


This new Master Control Plan must contain the base control plan in Zone 1 and the new one in Zone 2. Control Plans in Zone 2 will override those in Zone 1, therefore, if an intersection has both of them defined, the one in Zone 2 will be the one applied.


WARNING: Do not use a copy of the base Control Plan in the new Master Control Plan to code the new phase durations because if you want to edit the base control plan afterwards, you will have to apply the changes twice, once in the original base Control Plan and then again in the copy.

Aimsun Geometry Configurations - Control Plans

More technical notes

Uso de agrupaciones de centroides para dividir zonas

Agosto 2017: ¿quiere actualizar el sistema de zonas del modelo estratégico para organizar la cantidad de datos disponible que está en constante crecimiento? Dimitris Triantafyllos y Paolo Rinelli le enseñarán a dividir zonas para representar mejor la entrada y salida de volúmenes de tráfico en la red.

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T1 – Manual del usuario de Aimsun Next 23
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