Configuraciones geométricas, parte 4: gestión de nodos y uso de nodos existentes

Febrero 2016: Andreu Tarrida escribe su publicación final en forma de un artículo de cuatro partes sobre el control de versiones.
Geometry Configurations Part 3 – Control Plans

January 2016: Andreu Tarrida offers part three of the series on Geometry Configurations feature: Control Plans.
Geometry Configurations Part 2 – Duplicating Public Transport Lines and Public Transport Plans

January 2016: Andreu Tarrida. A technical note on the Geometry Configurations feature: Duplicating Public Transport Lines and Public Transport Plans.
Geometry Configurations Part 1 – Workflow

December 2015: Andreu Tarrida brings you the first in a four-part series on the Geometry Configurations feature – this note introduces the topic and gives you a brief tour of the workflow.