The journey to fully automated driving is an exciting one, with innovations making cars smarter, safer, and more efficient. The EU-funded research project, i4Driving, contributes to this journey by developing a cutting-edge platform designed to test Autonomous Driving Systems (ADS).
The Challenge: Testing Autonomous Driving Systems
Autonomous vehicles must navigate complex environments, make split-second decisions, and interact seamlessly with human drivers. However, one of the major challenges in testing ADS is representing human driving behavior accurately. Human drivers exhibit unpredictable reactions, unique decision-making processes, and varying levels of experience. As a result, creating a comprehensive testing environment for ADS requires a system that accurately mirrors the real world and its human factors.
This is where i4Driving comes into play.
Calibrating Human Driver Models for ADS Testing and sensitivity analysis
The team captured human driving behavior at real-world test tracks and driving simulators, including decision-making under different conditions. This contributed to a robust dataset that helps calibrate the new i4Driving human driver model that can form the new baseline for autonomous vehicle testing.
More specifically, the team is working on developing a fully automated calibration and validation pipeline that will use artificial intelligence algorithms to determine the optimal parameters that represent human drivers accurately in Aimsun Next. This pipeline, in a slightly different form, has been used already to perform sensitivity analysis.
Specific scenarios with initial conditions have been formulated and cutting-edge sensitivity analysis methodologies have been applied in order to understand the contributing factors to safety-critical scenarios for the project.
Below, you can see the scenario investigated a few months ago in order to determine critical conditions that would lead to a crash in a car following situation.